Concerns about the Misallocation of EU Funds in Poland

To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing to inform the European Union administration about concerns regarding the misallocation of funds within the Union, particularly in the context of projects in Poland. It has come to my attention that the funds acquired from the Union are being utilized on projects lacking justification and potentially serving as a cover for diverting money from the national budget. One such instance involves projects conducted under the European Year of Skills initiative.

With available information and considerations, there are concerns that some of these projects lack substantive justification and are inadequately prepared and executed logistically. There is a likelihood that these projects, on paper, require substantial economic investment, while in reality, funds are dispersed through companies acting as fronts. These companies ostensibly lead the implementation of defined projects, charging money for it on paper, without the actual need for such expenditures. Consequently, funds are partly distributed to officials and partly to these companies.

I bring this matter to your attention with the hope that it will be thoroughly investigated. Transparency and accountability are crucial for ensuring the effective and responsible use of Union funds. It is in the best interest of both the Union and its member states to promptly address any irregularities and take necessary actions to uphold the integrity of the funding system.

I am expressing serious concerns about the prevailing level of corruption in Poland, as highlighted in various media outlets. It appears that corruption has reached an alarming level, with substantial sums being embezzled for private interests by individuals devoid of ethics, morality, and scruples. This not only destabilizes Poland but also influences the stability of other European Union countries.

I believe that significant amounts of money, intended for the development of Poland and other regions within the Union, are being misappropriated by dishonest officials and diverted into private hands. This diversion of funds contributes to what can be termed as the „stolen prosperity” of individuals who, due to their intentions, do not deserve to benefit from these ill-gotten gains.

This issue extends beyond the borders of Poland and has far-reaching implications for the stability of the European Union. The misallocation of resources undermines the Union’s goals of fostering development and collaboration among member states, creating a ripple effect that hampers the collective progress of the EU.

I urge the European Union to closely examine the allegations of corruption in Poland and take decisive action to address this issue. A transparent and accountable investigation is essential to restore faith in the integrity of the Union and ensure that funds intended for the betterment of member states are utilized for their intended purposes.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I trust that the European Union will take appropriate measures to address corruption and uphold the principles of honesty, accountability, and ethical governance.

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Jesteśmy rodzinami, które od kilku lub kilkunastu lat toczą nierówną walkę z potężnym i skorumpowanym konglomeratem państwowych instytucji, takich jak Prokuratury, Sądy wieczysto-księgowe, Sądy cywilne, Urzędy Wojewódzkie, Urzędy Miasta, Policja i wiele innych. Przez te lata doświadczyliśmy nieprawdopodobnego poziomu patologii i korupcji, które kompletnie nami wstrząsnęły.

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Who are we?

We are families who have been engaged in an unequal battle with a powerful and corrupt conglomerate of state institutions for several years. These institutions include Prosecutors’ Offices, Land and Mortgage Registers, Civil Courts, Voivodeship Offices, City Halls, Police, and many others. Throughout these years, we have experienced an unimaginable level of pathology and corruption that has deeply shaken us.

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Qui nous sommes?

Nous sommes des familles qui ont mené une bataille inégale avec un conglomérat puissant et corrompu d’institutions étatiques, telles que les bureaux du procureur, les tribunaux fonciers et hypothécaires, les tribunaux civils, les tribunaux pénaux, les bureaux provinciaux, les mairies, la police et bien d’autres. Au fil des ans, nous avons connu un niveau incroyable de pathologie et de corruption qui nous a complètement secoués.

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Wer wir sind?

Wir sind Familien, die einen ungleichen Kampf mit einem mächtigen und korrupten Konglomerat staatlicher Institutionen wie Staatsanwaltschaften, Grundstücks- und Hypothekengerichten, Zivilgerichten, Strafgerichten, Provinzämtern, Rathäusern, der Polizei und vielen anderen geführt haben. Im Laufe der Jahre haben wir ein unglaubliches Maß an Pathologie und Korruption erlebt, das uns völlig erschüttert hat.

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